Water Notice
Water infrastructure improvements project
The Town of Lowville is seeking requests for the qualifications-based procurement of an engineering firm to assist with engineering tasks associated with a range of water infrastructure improvements and expansion, as described in the RFQ. This RFQ can be obtained from the Town Clerk’s office. All sealed proposals are to be mailed to: Aimee L. Murphy, Town Clerk; 5533 Bostwick Street; Lowville, New York 13367 or delivered in person between the hours of 9:00 AM and 4:00 PM, Monday through Friday. All sealed proposals must be received on or before 3:00p.m. on Tuesday, April 9th, 2024. Late proposals will not be considered. Town of Lowville reserves the right to forego any formalities and reject any or all proposals. Town of Lowville is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
Annual Water Quality Notice 2020
The Annual Water Quality Reports for the Town and Village of Lowville for 2020 are available for view at the following links: